Category: death

  • MuMufication and the People’s Pyramid

    Yesterday I completed foundation training as a Death Doula (or “Soul Midwife”), somebody who helps members of their community to come to terms with and approach death in as comfortable a way as possible. As part of my training, I had to give a presentation on a particular community’s practices surrounding death. Rather than tackle […]

  • What Remains?*

    Players: don’t you hate it when you character dies? For most of my life, and in most of the games I have played, the idea of being forced to hand in my character sheet, one I’ve put so much into building up,  garlanding with story, tchotchkes, booty, and loot, it’s almost… unthinkable. Playing in noisms’ Three […]

  • Execution by… daffodils?

    Leafing through an old notebook, I found the beginnings of a table of… something. Apart from a couple of entries (a hawthorn tree whose thorns creep up and down its twigs, and a rat which opens its mouth wide and turns itself inside-out) all of the entries came under “you are executed. Cause of death:” […]

  • In my end is my beginning

    I’ve written a role-playing game. It’s not the one I had expected to write. There are no fairies. Unless you want there to be. Short and sweet, it’s my entry for the The One-Page RPG Jam 2021. You play a person who is about to die. It’s funny, most RPGs contain death, often lots of […]