Fish-maggot Pâté
[This artifact is taken from Nice Weather for Fish - a roleplaying adventure, which also introduces a race of hominids called the fisher-folk, or PShhrsha]
Fish maggot pâté can be found in every fisher-folk settlement, and is almost always stored in a tiny jar of dark blue glass with a lid of marbled precious metals streaked with jade. Inside is a paste which looks a loose liver pâté: slightly runny, pink, and homogenous save for occasional veins of deeper red. It smells sweet, sickly even, and tastes surprisingly pleasant, although it leaves a slimy, gritty residue on the tongue and roof of the mouth.
The fisher-folk know to eat fish-maggot paste in the correct quantity, a tiny dab from the end of a finger. Anyone who takes much more than this will overdose.
The effect of the paste is to make the eater insectivorous. If taking the correct dose, this lasts 1d4 days, if any more is eaten then the effect is permanent. While insectivorous, the flesh of vertebrates is repellent and the appeal of invertebrates – insects, worms, spiders and the like – hard to resist.
An insectivorous character eating meat will have to make a saving throw [Cairn, Into the Odd etc: STR save; D&D 5e: DC12 Constitution save], or find themselves vomiting – incapacitated for d6 rounds, and WIL/CHA reduced by d6 until able to wash themselves.
An insectivorous character encountering invertebrates must make a saving throw [Cairn, Into the Odd etc: WIL save; D&D 5e: DC12 Wisdom save], or be unable to resist eating them. This may disgust those around them, but for the eater it is invigorating. Gain d4 temporary HP for the next d4 hours.
Fisher-folk use this pâté in seasonal rituals, becoming briefly insectivorous when there are plentiful invertebrates available to eat.
Please check out the Kickstarter for Nice Weather for Fish, from which this is taken.