Gaming and Worldbuilding

The Fisher-Folk
The Fisher-Folk have a starring role in the adventure Nice Weather for Fish, currently funding on Kickstarter. Fisher-folk (or Pshrshaa in their own language) are a race of hominids which...
The Fisher-Folk
The Fisher-Folk have a starring role in the adventure Nice Weather for Fish, currently funding on Kickstarter. Fisher-folk (or Pshrshaa in their own language) are a race of hominids which...

Adventurers' Snap - what dungeoneers eat
Please check out my Kickstarter for the adventure Nice Weather for Fish Iron Rations Ever wonder what’s in those packs of iron rations that adventures have to encumber themselves with...
Adventurers' Snap - what dungeoneers eat
Please check out my Kickstarter for the adventure Nice Weather for Fish Iron Rations Ever wonder what’s in those packs of iron rations that adventures have to encumber themselves with...

Fish-maggot Pâté
[This artifact is taken from Nice Weather for Fish - a roleplaying adventure, which also introduces a race of hominids called the fisher-folk, or PShhrsha] Fish maggot pâté can be...
Fish-maggot Pâté
[This artifact is taken from Nice Weather for Fish - a roleplaying adventure, which also introduces a race of hominids called the fisher-folk, or PShhrsha] Fish maggot pâté can be...