Terry Howard and the Inner City Round Walk of Sheffield

I met my father-in-law, Terry Howard, two years before I met his daughter, my wife. Terry led me and a group of other teenagers on a hike up a mountain in Snowdonia. There, we all slept overnight in the rain with only plastic bivvy-bags to keep us dry. It was brilliant!

Terry’s gentle wisdom and enthusiasm for the great outdoors, and for the prehistory of the British Isles, inspired me, as they have inspired many others over the last 50 years or more.

Terry has recently been the subject of a documentary, Ramble On. Here’s the trailer:

In 1996 I helped Terry to design and publish a book, an Inner City Round Walk of Sheffield. This 12-mile walk around the city’s inner suburbs has long been out of print.

And so in 2023, Terry and I collaborated on a new edition. It has much improved maps and instructions, a large set of prompts for the types of things you may want to look and listen out for (ideal for “psychogeographers”), some local history, and fabulous new illustrations. Thanks to a successful Kickstarter campaign, we got the book published and you can now buy it here.


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